In this week’s episode, “BRICK BY BRICK”, the show began with the Oak Island team at Lot 5 where the excavation of the STONE FOUNDATION area continued. The archeologists have asked metal detectorist Gary Drayton to scan the area to help them locate more artifacts. It was explained that since the area is deemed a “Special Place” that Gary could only detect objects, and the archeologists would need to excavate and retrieve them. As Gary scanned, he mentioned that he was getting iron hits all over the area. He also noticed there were nonferrous hits that would indicate objects made of brass, lead, or gold.

The action shifted to the NORTH SWAMP area, where the team is continuing their work. While investigating the area, the team found a spot with what appeared to be rocks that were intentionally placed there with a piece of cut slate on top it. This was noticed to be about 6 inches deep in the ground. As the area was further examined, bricks were found side by side. Laird looked at the bricks and gave the opinion that they were locally made. It was mentioned that Anthony Graves house was about 100 feet away from this location and that he was known to pay for goods with Spanish silver coins. This was in the middle of the 19th century and was commonplace in Nova Scotia at the time to use this type of currency.

We were then taken to the MONEY PIT area, where the Oak Island team was drilling in a new borehole, D.25-8.25, which is close to the Hedden Shaft. A core is brought up from 109 Feet and it was noticed that wood was in the core. It looked like a vertical timber that was sheaved and the team suspected that they found part of a tunnel. Another core sample was taken from 119 Feet, and all the material was described as in situ, or what you would expect to find. They speculated that they were now beneath the tunnel area. Another core from 158 Feet was examined and it was stated that there was “nothing to write home about”. The team was discouraged, and the borehole was abandoned. Another location will be investigated in the immediate area.

We were then taken back to the NORTH SWAMP area, where the team was investigating their newest discovery. The team noticed that bricks were sitting on stone and pieces of slate. The area was dug out when constructed. Laird stated that the bricks were handmade and similar to ones found on Lot 5, which we had not been previously shown. It also appeared that boards were a part of the construction. Laird mentioned that this was deliberately done, and the slate outlined a square structure that he had not seen before. It was mentioned that the team will consult with Dr. Spooner to get his opinion of this structure.

The action then took us back to the STONE FOUNDATION area where the team is working at a test pit that was detected by Gary Drayton. Archeologist Laird Niven discovered what appeared to be a button. The button was noticed to have a large eye and rim and was described as weird. It appeared to be a copper alloy and had a design on it. It would be sent to Emma in the Lab for possible CT and XRF scanning with the hope of bringing out the detail of the button and get a possible date of its manufacture.

The scene shifted back to the MONEY PIT area, where the team was now drilling in new borehole, D.75-6.6. A core sample was taken at 119 Feet and after examining the contents it was noted that there were shreds of wood. The team believed that this may be the bottom of a structure. They felt this was good news because they called this an unknown area. Another core sample was taken at 129 Feet, and nothing was found except backfill. Another sample was taken at 157 Feet and the drilling encountered nothing solid and it was described as a totally open space. The team speculated that this was a void and could be a location of treasure. They felt this would be a good location for a caisson placement.

The scene shifted to the LAB, where the Oak Island Team met to discuss the button that was recently found on Lot 5. Archeometallurgist, Emma Culligan conducted a CT scan of the button, and it revealed that it was composed of a copper alloy made with zinc, lead, and iron. It appeared to have rivets on it. The button was described as a multi component piece that Laird had never seen before. He mentioned that it had a large eye and had a dome effect. An XRF scan was then completed to help bring out the design on the front of the button. It revealed an ornate flower within a flower design. Emma speculated it was from the 18th Century or possibly earlier. Gary mentioned it could be British and perhaps from the 1680’s which would connect to the William Phips theory. The button was described as small in size, fancy and was perhaps from a jacket.

The episode concluded at the NORTH SWAMP area where Dr. Spooner investigated the newly discovered structure and remarked it was in nice shape. He was interested to see what is inside of it. He mentioned that the sediment had degraded, and it was not visible at the time it was constructed in his opinion. Surveyor Steve Guptill measured the area and mentioned that it was on the same level as the cobbled path about 100 yards away. It was mentioned that Anthony Graves’ family tore up his nearby house after his death looking for any valuables. They found nothing but the team speculated that perhaps Graves built this vault to hide treasure that he had found on Oak Island. It was described as looking like a safety deposit box and it was further speculated that it could involve William Phips and the theory he buried treasure on Oak Island.

ANALYSIS: Research on the button that was found on Lot 5 has uncovered some very interesting details. The make up of the button was listed as an alloy that consisted of Copper, Zinc, Lead and Iron. This is commonly known as Brass. According to “A Structural and Functional Analysis of Eighteenth Century Buttons”. Master’s Thesis, Department of Anthropology, the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. by Stephen Hinks, 1998, indicated that brass buttons became common and prevalent in the 1700’s. By 1720, Brass foundries appeared in Britain and the production of brass became widespread and affordable. Hinks mentioned that that a common type of button from the late 1700’s was a type made from flat brass discs with an eye soldered to the back, which appears to match the Oak Island artifact. Designs would be engraved or stamped onto the button which were then gilted or tinned. Such buttons can be dated from 1770 to 1800. At this time lots on Oak Island had been surveyed, divided and owned by various individuals in the Chester, Mahone Bay area.
Please follow our weekly episode analyses during the season, along with our Throwback Thursday articles from the original “Compendium/Blockhouse Blog”, and special investigations and features involving Oak Island. Feel free to reach out to us for questions, comments, information and any theories to our email, theoakislandcompendium@gmail.com
Good day from the Compendium!