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The Compendium Returns!




Many of you remember the original “Oak Island Compendium and Blockhouse Blog” that was created by Doug Crowell and Kel Hancock. It has been greatly missed and they have kindly allowed us to reboot the Compendium and continue their research. We will work in the same spirit as the original but with our own signature. We will be continually adding new information to the website, so please check back often to see new material.
Watch for pop up blog entries and other surprises that may appear at any time as they become available. We plan on having updates to the original blog entries and additional postings from time to time.


We have been Oak Island Researchers for several years now. We have begun a partnership to collaborate on Oak Island research and decided to start this website/blog to share our findings with fellow researchers and fans of the show. Our goal is to provide you with the most accurate and thorough information possible. We have open minds and have no bias regarding any specific topic. We will go where the evidence takes us to form our commentary and analysis. We hope that you enjoy your time here.
Please contact us with any questions or comments regarding the website/blog, or anything regarding Oak Island.


Thank you and we look forward to our new endeavor.
Good day from the Compendium!
Daniel Spino & Charlotte Wheatley
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