Our investigation continues by looking into more detail about how the Roman poet Virgil influenced Philp Sidney, Francis Bacon and the circle of Rosicrucians/Freemasons. This would lead to the identification of Oak Island as being “heaven on earth” and a secret location for their activities. It would also go on to serve as a memorial for a member of their group.
Friedrich August von Kaulbach - In Arcadia from Wikimedia Commons
During the Renaissance, painters, poets, writers, and musicians looked to mythology and ancient history for inspiration. This genre influenced Lorenzo de' Medici’s circle in the late 1400’s. A popular theme was Arcadia, which is a Greek province that dates to antiquity. Lives were simple and in harmony with nature. The area had small groups of poet shepherds that symbolized a tranquil utopia. Myths describe Arcadia as a beautiful place with untouched wilderness, forests, mossy rocks, fresh springs, rivers, flora and fauna. Although, Arcadia had dangerous areas for humans who explored too deep into the wilderness. They would encounter a dangerous swamp.
Daphnis - Wikimedia Commons
This idea of “heaven on earth” inspired Virgil. His “Eclogues” debuted in 37 BC and were an enormous success. Tacitus described how they were performed in the public theatre at Rome and the crowd gave Virgil a standing ovation. This reception was the first for a Roman poet. His Eclogue 5 tells of the shepherd-poet's story of fame through poetry. The shepherds Menalcas and Mopsus mourn their friend Daphnis by promising to "praise ... Daphnis to the stars – / yes, to the stars raise Daphnis". The shepherds praise Daphnis out of friendship but also obligation. Daphnis wanted his fellow shepherds to memorialize him with a "mound and add[ing] above the mound a song: / Daphnis am I in woodland, known hence far as the stars". Daphnis's fellow shepherds want his work to be remembered forever, and they are motivated by his request. At the end, Daphnis is deified by the shepherd poets: "'A god, a god is he, Menalcas!' / ... Here are four altars: / Look, Daphnis, two for you and two high ones for Phoebus (Apollo)." Menalcas makes Daphnis a promise, "Always your honor, name and praises will endure."
Grüninger Workshop- Folio leaf with woodcut, Virgil, Ecloga 5, shepherds Menalcas and Mopsus, Daphnis, Flute - 1515
After Philip Sidney’s death, it appears that he was memorialized like Daphnis, the Shepherd Poet. Evidence suggests that Bacon and his group planned and constructed a memorial for Philip Sidney on Oak Island (Arcadia) with recreated scenes from Sidney’s “Arcadia”, Spenser’s “The Fairie Queene”, Virgil’s “Eclogues” and Ovid’s “Metamorpheses”. Many times, the question is raised, who would go to all the trouble of planning all the workings on Oak Island? Why would anyone go to such lengths? Evidence points to “Love”, “Honor” and “Respect “as being the main motivators for this specific labor on Oak Island. Many ask, how could Bacon and his group pull off such a huge undertaking? What connections did they have to write and publish all this material in other people’s names?
The History of the Royal-Society of London from Wikimedia Commons
Bacon is often thought of as only a scientist, but this is an understatement. He was described as having a once in a generation type of mind. Poet, philosopher, writer, spy, cryptologist, mathematician, astronomer, were only a few of his areas of his expertise. History suggests that he was a genius and had special abilities for learning and memorization. He was well connected with other Rosicrucian/Masonic intellectuals in the world. Peter Dawkins writes, “After his father’s death, Bacon and his brother, Anthony, set up a literary workshop connected to English printers and publishers employing writers, translators, and scribes for distribution of private manuscripts, books, plays, masques and other entertainments.” This experience was utilized in the publishing of literary work that was used as propaganda at the time. Bacon was involved with the editing and publishing of Shakespeare’s First Folio in 1623 with Ben Jonson. He embedded messages and directions using the stars and constellations that led the Rosicrucian/Masonic initiate to Oak Island.
Ben Jonson – Wikimedia Commons
In 1623, Ben Jonson wrote a dedicatory poem for Shakespeare’s First Folio that included the following: “Sweet swan of Avon! what a sight it were, To see thee in our waters yet appeare, And make those flights upon the bankes of Thames, That so did take Eliza, and our James! But stay, I see thee in the Hemisphere, Advanc'd, and made a Constellation there! Shine forth, thou Starre of Poets...”… “Thou art a monument without a tomb, And art alive still while thy book doth live, And we have wits to read, and praise to give.” All of Jonson’s imagery points to the constellation in the hemisphere being Cygnus, the Swan. The “star of poets” refers to the star, P Cygni, that dramatically appeared in Cygnus in 1600. This celestial event was clearly a sign for the Rosicrucian/Freemasons. Jonson’s reference to the Sweet Swan of Avon is a clear example of Cygnus symbolism.
The Cygnus Cross courtesy of Erin King
P-Cygni Stone courtesy of Corjan Mol
In Rosicrucian symbolism this “Starre of Poets”, along with the 1604 supernova in Ophiuchus, were considered signs that their movement was to come out of the dark and into the light. The star in Cygnus, P Cygni, located near the heart of the swan was not technically a nova, which is widely reported. It is a variable star that illuminates and fades through time. It could still be seen with the naked eye in 1623, but remarkably, it dimmed out of sight in 1626. This is the same year of Francis Bacon’s supposed death. Our colleague, Erin King has discovered that P Cygni is clearly marked on Nolan’s Cross according to her thorough analysis and GIS mapping. Erin has also identified pictures through the decades that show that the P Cygni stone has never been moved. This may be the most important stone that makes up Nolan’s Cross. The stone is quite large as you can see in the picture. It is located on the Nolan Property. The photo of the stone is courtesy of our colleague Corjan Mol.
P-Cygni courtesy of Erin King
P-Cygni courtesy of Erin King
In the First Folio dedication, Jonson writes this about Shakespeare, “Leave thee alone for the comparison, Of all that insolent Greece or haughty Rome, Sent forth, or since did from their ashes come.” This takes on greater meaning when Jonson writes in his “Discoveries” (1641) about Francis Bacon, “He who hath filled up all numbers and performed that in our tongue which may be compared or preferred to insolent Greece and haughty Rome....so that he may be named as the mark and acme of our language.” (Gerald, “Ben Jonson”). This comparison suggests that Jonson is indicating that Bacon was indeed Shakespeare, the Sweet Swan of Avon. Evidence points to Bacon being the creator of Nolan’s Cross and the driving force behind the workings on Oak Island.
Please join us next week as we wrap up our investigation when we analyze several works of art that provide additional clues regarding the secret happenings on Oak Island.