In this week’s episode, “GRAVES CONCERNS”, the show began with the Oak Island team working in the NORTH SWAMP area where a hidden structure was previously found. While working in the area, a piece of pottery was discovered. Archeologist Laird Niven inspected the piece and called it earthenware from the 1800’s, which the team speculated may have belonged to Anthony Graves. The team explored the cavity and found a piece of iron pipe that would be sent to the lab for further analysis by Emma Culligan.

The action shifted to the WAR ROOM, where the Oak Island team met with Dr. Michael Pisaric, who was asked to complete dendrochronology testing on the wood samples taken from what the team called, “Shaft 2” which they suspected was the shaft dug by the Truro Company in 1804. Dr. Pisaric relayed the results of the testing and gave the date of 1784 as being the date the wood was cut. It should be noted that there can be a variance involving dates using this method due to, among other things, not knowing the exact date the wood was used. The team seemed baffled by the results and speculated that perhaps the Truro Company may have used old wood.

We were then taken to the MONEY PIT area, where the Oak Island Team began drilling in a new borehole called, H.5-10.5. This spot was mapped out by surveyor Steve Guptill using the location of what they believe is Shaft 2 and estimating the 14 Foot distance to the original Money Pit location. This brought the zone into the Hedden Shaft, where the team decided to explore based on the high metal readings that Dr. Spooner and associates claim was coming from this area. The team believes this is the right spot due to multiple searchers coming to the same conclusion. This includes Robert Dunfield who dug extensively in this area.

We were then taken back to the NORTH SWAMP area, where the Oak Island Team continued their work in the square feature. After searching, a piece of glass was found. Archeologist Laird Niven stated that it looked like it was a bottom of jar that was machine made, and he gave the date as the late 1800’s. This was again attributed to Anthony Graves who owned the house very close by. Tom Nolan was consulted about this feature, and he mentioned that his father had found two wells near this area, but this was unlike anything they had seen before. Metal Detectorist, Katya Drayton worked the area and had hits on her detector. More bricks were noticed in the hole. The team then discovered what appeared to be an iron handle. It was speculated that it was from a treasure chest and will be sent to the Lab for testing.

The action then took us to LOT 5 EXCAVATION area, where the Oak Island Team continued its work in the stone foundation near the circular structure. Archeologist Fiona Steele located what appeared to be one of Robert Young’s tag spikes that he used in the 1990’s to mark the areas where he found artifacts. It was mentioned that Laird Niven had access to the database of Robert Young’s finds and could match the artifact with the spike that was found. The team contacted Laird, and he indicated that the artifact was a 1781 Spanish Silver Half Real coin. This launched speculation that this was part of the fabled Oak Island Treasure, and they would need to dig deeper to find more.

The scene shifted back to the MONEY PIT area where the Oak Island Team continued its drilling operation in borehole H.5-10.5. At a depth of 146 Feet the team encountered pieces of wood in the core sample. It is speculated by Charles Barkhouse that they may have hit an area worked by Edwin Hamilton in the 1940’s who worked on an extension of a shaft already laid down. Further drilling to a depth of 173 Feet revealed in situ material so the borehole was declared dead and closed for further drilling. Another location would be chosen next in this area of interest.

We were then taken back to the NORTH SWAMP area, where the Oak Island Team continued their excavation of the square feature. Metal Detectorist Katya Drayton scanned the area and mentioned it was odd because the brick in the feature was giving off a metallic readings. After more probing, what was described as a hook or pry bar was found in the cavity. It was speculated that it could have been used in lifting treasure in and out of tis cavity. It would be sent to the Lab for further metallurgical testing by Emma.

The episode concluded at the LAB, where Archeometallurgist Emma Culligan and Archeologist Laird Niven gave the results of the testing completed on the objects found at the Lot 11 square feature. Emma told the team that she completed an XRF and CT scan of the objects. The handle was very encrusted, and the tests revealed that it was made of wrought iron. What was first identified as a handle, was now thought be a crank. Archeologist Laird Niven stated that he is a skeptic of treasure on the island, but he can’t dispel that the square feature was used to hide something. Emma stated that the age of what appeared to be a hook dated from the early to mid-1800’s, which would match the time when Anthony Graves was on Oak Island. The pipe and crank dated to the late 1700’s, which does not match Graves time on the island. This led to speculation that Anthony Graves found and was protecting treasure, based on the geographical location of his house and the story of him using Spanish coins as currency.

ANALYSIS: Anthony Thickpenny Graves was born January 1, 1812, in Chester, Nova Scotia to Phillip Graves and Charlotte Augusta Thickpenny Hutchinson. Anthony was first married to Catherine Elizabeth Seaboyer until her death in 1875. He then remarried Anna Elizabeth Zink in 1879. They were married until Anthony’s death on February 26, 1888. Anthony and Catherine had 11 children. The most famous was Sophia Elizabeth Graves who was born on October 19, 1845. She would later marry Henry Sellers, and her oxen fell into a collapsed pit while farming on Oak Island in 1878. Sophia Sellers had obtained her land from her father Anthony Graves. Graves purchased his first Oak Island Lots, 15-20, along with Frog Island from Henry Stevens in 1857. Stevens purchased the land from the Smith Family after the death of John Smith just two months before he would sell the land to Graves for the same purchase price.
Graves, on his marriage certificate and land records, was listed as a Farmer. In 1861, he leased Lot 18 and the Money Pit area to The Oak Island Association, along with the old Smith Farmhouse as a base of operations, where the infamous 90 Foot Stone resided. This agreement lasted until 1866 and continued for about a year with the renamed Oak Island Eldorado Company until they ceased operations. Graves was known to go to Chester and pay for goods with Spanish coins. This would later launch speculation that Graves found treasure on Oak Island. Although it is a documented fact that such currency was used commonly at the time in Nova Scotia due to widespread trade with the Caribbean. There is no evidence that Graves ever found any treasure on Oak Island. Graves farmed his land in relative peace and tranquility. The objects found in the square feature seem to be normal objects a farmer would own on Oak Island.
Considering Graves was a farmer, it is very likely that he had a root cellar to keep his produce cool before there was refrigeration. The square feature is very close to his farmhouse and could very well be the remains of such a root cellar, much like Samuel Ball had on his property. There seems to be a hard top in the feature, which was common in these types of constructions and appears to have filled up with water over time. One of the possible clues is the glass jar that was found in the feature. It could have been used to store fruit or vegetables. This seems to be a more plausible conclusion than the feature being a vault used to hide a cache of gold and silver coins.
Please follow our weekly episode analyses during the season, along with our Throwback Thursday articles from the original “Compendium/Blockhouse Blog”, and special investigations and features involving Oak Island. Feel free to reach out to us for questions, comments, information and any theories to our email, theoakislandcompendium@gmail.com
Good day from the Compendium!